Sailor Moon is peeking her head back in America with cool stuff to buy!
Remember to sign up to to receive cash back on select stores! and other select manga and books stores have the new Kodansha mangas! and select stores has tshirts (currently 1 men shirt), Sailormoon costume, wallscroll, and playing cards. - Mangas, Wallscrolls, Playing cards, Keychains, Notebook and binder.
GE; Has been posting up coming American released items coming soon.
For the new Italian Sailormoon items, check out
The shipping kills but its better than ebay!
Want the DIC/Cloverway or Toei DVDs? How about Sera Myu?
Stop by my friend, for a better shopping guide!
Looking for something rare? Try eBay. Start off with buying from 'eBay Top-rated sellers' or people with high positive ratings.
Check out:
Hankiesandmore , Mitsue-Japan , toyszone2k3 , tataloretta , siu siu 1008